Oral Health

dentist checking up a client

6 Unpopular Oral Health Care Trends

Though practicing good oral health care is vital for everyone, it can be challenging to keep up with the ever-changing trends. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about one in every four adults in the US, or approximately 26%, have untreated tooth decay. This is because, most of the time, what was

6 Unpopular Oral Health Care Trends Read More

man smiling thumbs up

Let a dentist in Liverpool brighten up your dental outlook

Bring back the shine to your smile In the last year, more people than ever have been forced to refrain from seeking out their dentist for cosmetic dental treatments. Having teeth that are stained, discoloured or chipped has become a common problem for a number of people across the country. However, as normality slowly resumes,

Let a dentist in Liverpool brighten up your dental outlook Read More


Just had your wisdom teeth out? 5 do’s and don’ts post removal

A routine procedure at many dental surgeries, extractions or removal of wisdom teeth can seem very daunting for many dental patients. Associated with being impacted, erupting at unusual angles and just being a bit of a nuisance, wisdom teeth comprise of 4 molars at the back of the traditional set and usually emerge between the

Just had your wisdom teeth out? 5 do’s and don’ts post removal Read More

woman with braces

You Got Your Braces. Now What?

After months of reflecting and consulting your orthodontist, you finally had your dental braces installed. You should be aware and prepared that your dental regimen will not be as easy as before. You now have to take care of your teeth and your dental braces. Improper oral care with braces can leave you with more

You Got Your Braces. Now What? Read More

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