3 Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay and Gum Disease in Adults

woman experiencing tooth ache

Gum disease and tooth decay are the most prevalent dental problems in adults. These two diseases are also some of the most easily preventable dental problems. Preventing yourself from the effects of these diseases is achievable as long as you follow a few simple steps.

Tooth decay usually causes erosion of the enamel, which leads to cavities forming in your teeth. Prolonged erosion can cause larger cavities and weaken the entire tooth. At this stage, finding a good dentist in Vienna, Victoria should be your priority since any delay can cause damage to your root canal and jawbone. Gum disease, on the other hand, can lead to bone and tooth loss if it isn’t treated early. To avoid these effects, you need to take precautions to prevent tooth decay and gum disease:

Brush your teeth at least twice a day

Use toothpaste that contains fluoride to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Use a good toothbrush with bristles that aren’t too tough or too smooth. Smooth bristles will not have any effect, while hard ones can cause injuries to your gums. Make it a habit to brush after every meal and before heading to bed. Although brushing may seem like a simple activity, it can be the difference between healthy teeth and decaying gums.

Lower jaw with crooked teeth

Avoid sugary items

Refrain from food that has a lot of sugar and starch if you want to have healthy teeth and gums. Sugary food sparks a reaction with saliva in your mouth, which leads to tooth decay. The chemical reaction also produces an acid that erodes the tooth enamel, which is the outer protective layer of the tooth. When this layer erodes, it leaves your tooth susceptible to decay. Reduce or avoid sugary items altogether to protect your teeth against decay and gum disease.

Visit a dentist every six months

Even if your teeth look healthy, don’t think that you can skip a visit to a dentist at least twice a year. Dentists are trained to see signs and symptoms of tooth decay and gum disease that you can’t see. No matter how healthy you think your teeth may be, a dentist can pinpoint issues through professional cleaning and an oral exam. You will also get advice about food choices and medication to use in case your teeth have already been affected.

One of the problems of gum disease is that it doesn’t show a lot of symptoms at its earliest stages to give you a clue of the existence of the condition. This is why it is necessary to take good care of your teeth at all times. With the tips mentioned above, you can be sure to keep your teeth clean and tough.

Visit your dentist after every six months or if you feel like there is a problem with a tooth. The dentist will not only assess the problem but also provide health advice to help you maintain your teeth. After all, healthy teeth and gums can improve your confidence around people.

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