Vertigo: Stop Believing These Myths

dizzy woman suffering from vertigo

Many people, especially the older ones, associate their feeling of dizziness and imbalance to vertigo. Others think that the condition is normal as one gets old, so they just let it pass. Unknowingly, dizziness can be a symptom of a condition or disease far different from vertigo. For your safety and wellness, here are some things that you should know about vertigo:

1. Vertigo is not part of the aging process

Although vertigo is common among older people, studies have shown that anyone can have it regardless of age. However, due to balance concerns, it is crucial to treat seniors. The risk of falling is high among elders, and it can be dangerous or life-threatening.

2. Vertigo is not a disease

Vertigo can be a symptom of conditions concerning the inner ear, nervous system, and other health problems. It is not a disease by itself. Nevertheless, it has to be treated because it can become chronic when not addressed.

3. Vertigo will not subside on its own

Vertigo usually lasts for a few seconds or minutes, but it can also last up to 24 hours. Worst, it can be a permanent condition. It is best to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment before the condition becomes chronic.

4. Vertigo is not simply lightheadedness

sick and dizzy business man

Lightheadedness is a feeling of dizziness or fainting. Lying down can make you feel better. On the other hand, vertigo is a feeling of motion. You experience a spinning sensation when you’re still. Lightheadedness can be due to anxiety or a side effect of medication. Once the cause is addressed, it will eventually go away. In the case of vertigo, there are medical conditions that cause the attack.

5. Vertigo affects your hearing ability

Your inner ear controls your balance and is responsible for your hearing. A disturbance in the inner ear triggers a vertigo attack. If you have a problem in your inner ear, vertigo can affect your hearing ability.

6. Vertigo is not acrophobia

When you look down from a high place, you might experience vertigo. However, it does not mean that you have vertigo. The attack was brought about by anxiety due to your fear of heights, which is also known as acrophobia. Vertigo attacks can happen anytime and anywhere. It is a feeling of motion, and there are underlying medical conditions that cause it.

7. Vertigo can be treated

Medication and therapy, combined with a change in lifestyle, can treat vertigo. Make sure though to approach a doctor who can give you the correct diagnosis and proper treatment.

8. Vertigo and headaches are related

Vertigo and headaches are symptoms of different health issues like migraines. If you are sensitive to smell, lights, and sound and feel nauseated while experiencing a headache, that is vestibular migraines. If you experience a blow to your head or neck, you might have bouts of headaches and vertigo. That’s post-concussion syndrome. Undoubtedly, dizziness and headaches are related.

Vertigo is not just merely dizziness that comes with age or becuase of too much stress. It has underlying medical concerns, so don’t ignore it. It is best to seek medical assistance for proper diagnosis and treatment. In Colorado, there are reputable vertigo experts alongside ear, nose, and throat specialists. Feel free to drop by their clinics for assistance. As you now know, vertigo can be a symptom of an ear or other organ problem.

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