The Common Reasons You Feel Tired All the Time

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After a long day at work or school, it’s normal to feel tired and worn out. It’s even common for that feeling to carry over to the weekend and last for several days too. However, if you’re feeling persistently exhausted to the point where it’s interfering with your daily life, this might be a sign that something else is wrong. From depression to dehydration, there are plenty of reasons that explain your constant fatigue, and most of them are easy to remedy. The following are just some common reasons that might explain why you feel tired all the time and what you can do about it:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a feeling of fatigue that persists for at least four months and impairs your ability to carry out daily activities. This feeling doesn’t improve with rest and is exacerbated when you exert yourself physically or mentally. You might also feel pain in your joints or muscles. Chronic fatigue treatment can help alleviate symptoms and teach you how to manage your condition so you can return to your previous daily routine.


Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, fatigue, and loss of interest in daily activities. When you have depression, your brain is robbed of essential chemicals that help it perform efficiently, such as serotonin. This drastically decreases your energy levels and may disrupt your sleeping patterns. You most likely feel sad, sluggish, empty, and unmotivated. It’s important to speak with a mental health specialist who can prescribe the best form of treatment for you. This may include a combination of therapy, lifestyle changes, and medication.


An underactive thyroid can cause excessive fatigue, weight gain, and even depressive symptoms. This disease is common, especially among women, which makes it quite manageable. You can find out if you have hypothyroidism by getting a blood test to see if your thyroid is producing enough thyroid hormones. Your physician will recommend medication to stabilize your hormone levels depending on your results.


You might think that dehydration only happens when you haven’t consumed any liquids for days. However, you don’t need to be severely dehydrated to experience the fatigue that comes with being inadequately hydrated. It’s recommended that you consume at least eight 237ml or 8oz glasses of water a day or more depending on your age, level of activity, and weight.


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You might think it’s counterintuitive, but low energy can sometimes be linked to extreme inactivity. Prolonged inactivity leads to a higher heart rate and low oxygen levels. This causes your heart and body to work harder even if you aren’t doing anything strenuous. Staying active and mobile can help build your endurance and strength so you can accomplish more things without exhausting yourself. Exercise can also boost your mood and dopamine levels which can increase your energy levels.

Eating processed food and refined sugar

Refined sugar and carbs can give you a jolt of energy which causes a quick rise in your blood sugar. This spike can leave you feeling exhausted and result in a massive “crash.” You should replace any sugary and highly processed food with healthy and natural sources of energy such as vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fiber, and healthy fats.

The sooner you figure out what’s causing your persistent feelings of tiredness, the sooner you can treat it. Don’t let fatigue keep you from living a fulfilled life.

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