Eating Disorders: Recognizing When It Happens

eating in front the refrigerator

Some of the most beautiful women and celebrities have these eating disorders. Many young girls and women fall prey to these disorders today, emulating beauty and show business. Behavioral conditions lead to persistent and disturbing eating habits to scientifically define things. However, your genes may also be behind such disorders. The media is also responsible an excellent deal for promoting such fads.

These habits are also associated with distressing thoughts and emotional patterns. Your physical, psychological, and social constitution may also be affected. Today, you will learn about disorders like Restrictive eating, Bulimia, Binge-eating, and a few more. By reading this article, you will be well-conversant with the symptoms and detect them easily in adolescents and children at home. The general behaviors associated with such disorders are food avoidance, restrictive eating, and purging to avoid adverse health effects like weight gain and fat gain.

The various disorders are:

Restrictive Eating Disorder

This is the first disorder that strikes young adolescents. Additionally, it tends to be more common in women than in men. Most people who are victims of this disorder want to make their bodies perfect. You will find such people constantly monitoring their weight loss, gains, and body mass percentages. This leads to a very restrictive diet, leading to fatal health issues.

Many anorexia recovery centers know that the most common symptoms of restrictive eating disorders are being excessively underweight, a fear of weight gain, a pursuit for thinness, and a distorted body devoid of any fat. Over time, individuals living with the disease will lose hair and nails and become infertile. It can also lead to multi-organ failure. Such people are known to either restrict their eating or purge after eating. Hoarding behavior has also been noticed in specific individuals.

All those affected by this disorder need clinical care, mental counseling, and dieticians to set things straight. Most such patients are transported to hospitals in emergency settings with heart ailments and multi-organ failure symptoms. Medicines do very little to alleviate the conditions. Lifestyle management is one of the strongest treatment modalities involved.

Bulimia Nervosa

It is another well-known and prevalent eating disorder. Most adolescents and young adults develop this disorder. Such people often enter into binge eating bouts and become full. Once they are full and can satiate their hunger and cravings, they attempt to take laxatives or purge. You will find such people forcing themselves to vomit or take enemas without any healthcare consultation. Most individuals hounded by this disorder are relative of normal weight. Additionally, in very severe cases, such people also become stroke victims. Treatment in this case also comprises a mix of psychotherapy, anti-depressants, and rehabilitation.

Binge-Eating Disorder

man sitting by himself

It is another very common eating disorder in the U.S. Like the first two, it also starts in the teenage years. The individuals suffering from this disease display symptoms similar to those of the Bulimia and Anorexia sub-type. Such individuals also eat large amounts of food within a short while and put their digestive systems under stress.

These people do not vomit or engage in excessive exercising to lose additional weight. Such people do not display any guilt while binge eating. However, they realize their follies later on when the harm is done. Psychotherapy, weight loss therapy, and anti-depressants are the various options available for treatment.


This is another eating disorder that many do not know. However, it has been in existence for a long time. Individuals suffering from Pica find solace in eating non-edibles like ice, dirt, chalk, soil, and paper, to name a few. It can strike children, adolescents, and adults as well. The risks associated with Pica include poisoning, infections, and gut injuries. Your doctor will be treating the symptoms due to ingestion of nonfood substances. If your doctor finds out that the inclination to eat certain mineral substances is strong, they may advise vitamin supplementation.

Night Eating Disorder

This affects individuals who specifically eat at midnight. You will often find them awake in the middle of the night and scouring the refrigerator for food. Night eating syndrome is more common in obese, alcoholic, and have depression. Such individuals have a decreased appetite during the day as well. The genetic makeup, disturbances in the Circadian rhythm, and mental health disorders are often blamed for this disorder. The same therapies and treatments as above are also suitable for this eating disorder. Melatonin and weight management therapy can also be combined with the above modalities.

These are the most common eating disorders, and now that you know their symptoms, you can exercise damage control. Do not fall prey to such ailments and lead a healthy life without complications through proper counseling.

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