6 Most Common Dental Procedures Patients Often Get

Close-Up Photo of a Woman Getting a Dental Check-Up

Dental health is vital for everyone. Not only does it affect your appearance, but your dental health can also impact your overall health. That’s why it’s essential to see a dentist regularly and to get the necessary dental procedures done when needed. But what are the most common dental procedures that patients often get? Keep reading to find out.

1. Teeth Cleaning

Teeth cleaning is a common dental procedure important for keeping your teeth healthy and free from plaque and tartar buildup. During the procedure, the dentist or hygienist will use special tools to scrape away any built-up plaque and tartar on your teeth. Then, they will polish it off with a tooth-polishing paste. Teeth cleaning also helps remove any surface discoloration from coffee, tea, and other staining agents.

After the cleaning process has been completed, you may be recommended to receive fluoride treatments which can help protect your teeth from decay in-between visits. Regular teeth cleanings are essential to maintaining good oral health as they help prevent cavities and gum disease by removing bacteria. It’s recommended that you visit the dentist for teeth cleaning at least twice a year, according to significant research.

2. Fillings

Fillings are a common dental procedure used to repair cavities or small cracks in the teeth. During this procedure, the dentist uses a drill to remove any decay from the damaged area and then fills it with an appropriate material such as composite resin, porcelain, or amalgam.

Fillings can help restore the structural integrity of a tooth and prevent further damage. They also protect the inner layers of enamel by sealing out bacteria and food particles that could cause further damage. Additionally, fillings can improve your smile by restoring its appearance after being affected by trauma or tooth decay.

3. Crowns

Male Dentist Working on Woman's Teeth

Crowns are a commonly used dental procedure that helps restore the appearance and function of teeth. During this procedure, a crown is placed over the existing tooth structure to protect it from further damage caused by cavities or fractures. Crowns can also be used to replace missing, broken, or severely decayed teeth and improve your smile’s aesthetics.

Furthermore, they can help support a dental bridge which is typically used when there are several missing teeth in one area. The placement of crowns requires more than one visit since impressions must be taken and then sent to the lab for fabrication. Once ready, the dentist will cement the custom-made permanent crown into place.

4. Bridges

Bridges are a standard dental procedure used to replace one or more missing teeth. This procedure involves placing crowns and an artificial tooth in the area where the missing teeth were and then attaching them. Bridges help restore your smile’s aesthetics and fill in any gaps caused by missing teeth, which can help improve your ability to chew and speak properly.

Additionally, they improve oral health by preventing remaining teeth from shifting out of their natural alignment due to the gap left by the missing tooth or teeth. Getting a bridge typically takes several visits as impressions must be taken and sent off to have a permanent bridge explicitly constructed for you.

5. Implants

Dental implants are a common procedure used to replace missing teeth with something permanent and aesthetically pleasing. During the procedure, a titanium post is surgically placed in your jawbone and then allowed to heal for several months before an artificial tooth is attached. Implants provide a secure anchor for replacement teeth, making them more stable than other dentures or bridges and helping to preserve the structure of your jawbone.

Moreover, they look and feel like real teeth as they mimic natural tooth structure by blending into surrounding tissue and integrating into existing bone structures. Additionally, since implants don’t require support from adjacent teeth, they can maintain healthy levels of force distribution throughout the mouth when chewing food. This helps prevent further damage to nearby teeth. Overall, implants are an excellent option for those looking to restore their smile and prevent further damage to their oral health.

6. Root Canals

Root canals are a common dental procedure to treat an infected or damaged tooth. During this procedure, the dentist removes the affected pulp and nerve from the inside of the tooth, cleans it out, and then seals it with a rubber-like material known as gutta-percha. This helps prevent further infection by sealing off any bacteria that may be present.

Root canals are generally recommended when other methods, such as fillings or crowns, may not sufficiently protect against decay or further damage. Additionally, they can help preserve natural teeth since they do not need to be removed completely like in an extraction. They also help maintain your smile’s aesthetic appearance and make chewing easier due to less pain and discomfort in the affected area.

In Closing

These are just the five most common dental procedures patients often get. Of course, many other procedures may be recommended depending on your individual needs. If you have any concerns about your dental health, be sure to talk to your dentist, so they can assess what’s best for you!

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