Regaining Control: Getting Your Life Back After Being a Functioning Alcoholic

woman laying down on the couch during therapy

It’s not uncommon to hear people say they need a drink or two to take the edge off after a long day. For some, this casual drinking can turn into a more serious problem. If you find that you’re regularly drinking more than you’d like and it’s impacting your life, but you’re still able to function relatively normally, you may be a functional alcoholic.

Functional alcoholism is challenging to manage because it’s hard to tell when your drinking has become a problem. According to experts, there are 19.5 million functional alcoholics. They are typically professionals with stable jobs and a family. If you’re worried that your drinking has gotten out of control, there are some steps you can take to get your life back on track.

Acknowledging Your Problem

This is the first step toward sobriety. You need to start acknowledging that you have a drinking problem despite your ability to function normally. This is not easy to do, but it’s essential if you want to make any progress.

Making the decision to quit drinking can be scary, but remember that you’re not alone. Millions of people have gone through the same thing and come out on the other side. This can be difficult, but it’s a critical step in regaining control of your life.

woman talking to therapist

Ask Your Whys

Once you’ve acknowledged that you have a problem, it’s time to figure out why you’re drinking. Do you drink because you’re stressed? Anxious? Depressed? There are many reasons why people turn to alcohol, and understanding yours can help you find other ways to cope with whatever is driving your drinking.

Let’s say, for example, that you drink because you’re anxious. In that case, you might want to consider other ways to deal with your anxiety, such as therapy or meditation. These are just two examples, but the point is that there are many alternatives to drinking. You just have to be willing to explore them.

Making Changes

You will need to make some lifestyle changes to help yourself stay sober. This includes avoiding triggers, setting limits on how much you drink, and finding new hobbies or activities to replace drinking in your life. These changes can be grueling but are essential for your recovery.

You can start by incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine. Think of eating a well-balanced meal, giving yourself enough time to rest and sleep, and staying active during busy days. Don’t forget about giving yourself enough me time to experience and enjoy things that make you happy.

Start Slow

Quitting drinking is a marathon, not a sprint. Take things slow and easy at first. Don’t try cold turkey, as it will only worsen things. Gradually reduce your intake until you’re comfortable with not drinking at all. Be patient, as the process can take weeks or even months.

You can also try different sobriety tools and resources to help you on your journey. Many excellent books, apps, and websites can provide support and guidance. Find what works best for you and stick with it.

Seek Professional Help

If you find that you can’t do this on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Many resources are available to help you quit drinking and get your life back on track. This is especially true if you find yourself experiencing withdrawal symptoms every time you try to stop.

Withdrawal symptoms can be severe and even life-threatening. These can include things like seizures, tremors, hallucinations, and delirium. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, seek medical help immediately. Many treatment options are available, so don’t hesitate to seek help.

If you don’t know where to start, your doctor can recommend a private alcohol detox clinic. The pros will assess your situation and check if you can safely do an alcohol detox at home without medication. But if your withdrawal symptoms are severe, you may need in-patient treatment where you can receive around-the-clock care and supervision as required. Just be sure to research and find a reputable clinic that will give you the proper medical and psychological support to start recovering from your alcoholism.

Don’t Forget About Surrounding Yourself With Positive People

You will need a sound support system to help you through this difficult time. This can be your family, friends, and even strangers going through the same thing. Surrounding yourself with people who understand what you’re going through can make a difference.

Knowing you have a trusted friend and a loving family member to rely on can help you get through tough times. They can provide a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to, and, most importantly, they can offer words of encouragement when you need it the most.

Reaching out to others with the same dilemma can also be helpful. There are many online and offline support groups available to help you on your journey. These groups can provide valuable resources, advice, and encouragement from people who have been in your shoes.

Quitting drinking is a complex but achievable goal. It will take time, effort, and patience, but it’s not impossible. Remember to take things slow, seek professional help if needed, and surround yourself with positive people. You can overcome alcoholism and lead a happy, healthy life with the right support system.

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