Getting Back on Your Feet: What to Do When You Lose Your Job

at an interview

Losing a job is one of the most stressful things that can happen to anyone, no matter if you’ve anticipated it or not. Even people who have long wanted to quit their jobs due to stress or dissatisfaction still feel at least a tinge of disappointment and panic when they’re told to surrender their company keycards. However, most people will experience job loss, whether via quitting or getting fired at least once in their lives. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, don’t fret. It’s better to keep an ounce of clarity through this process!

Take a day or two off


Many people rush into job hunting the same day they lose their jobs. It makes sense. Not having a steady source of income is very stressful, and it feels right to immediately jump into the job search to get the ball rolling. However, you can’t discount the fact that you just received a shock to your system! Something that’s been part of your routine for a sustained period is now gone, so you need to take that into account!

Now, many people are not prepared to lose income, so the pressure piles on when they get the cut. Especially if you don’t have to financial cushion to tide you over, it’s very tempting to snag the first opportunity you’d come across right after losing a job. However, it’s best to take at least a day off to gather your thoughts and assess what just happened. It’s possible that you don’t know precisely why you’ve been let go. This is the best time to objectively look at what you could have done better at your previous job, as well as other factors like if it was even possible for you to do your best work given the environment you were working in.

Planning your next steps

After taking a hard look at the time you’ve spent at your previous job, you’ll now have the knowledge needed to identify what kinds of opportunities you should be looking into for your next job. It’s best to write them all down! Don’t forget to freshen up your resume in the process, of course. This will help you plan your next steps. If you’re interested in going into tech and you think that you have the right skills to fill a good position, get in touch with a tech recruiter. If you want to further your career in the medical field, reaching out to a hospital-staffing agency is the next best step. Remember, rushing into things often doesn’t end well! It’s best to regain your bearings so that you don’t make any hasty decisions!

Not many people have the luxury of taking an extended break after losing their jobs. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, it’s a good teaching moment that should allow you to plan better for the future. Staying positive about job security is always a good thing, but you need to exercise caution so that you’re not left in the cold in case you do lose your job. Think about setting up an emergency fund that covers a few months of you and your family’s expenses. That way, if you lose employment in the future, you have more time to strategize, and there’s less pressure to take on a new job you don’t like.

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