Types of Disorders Common in Older Adults

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You might not know it, but your risk of developing certain mental health disorders increases as you age. In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in six adults experiences a mental health disorder every year. And while mental health disorders can affect anyone at any age, older adults are particularly vulnerable to developing certain types of disorders. Here are a few types of disorders common in older adults.


As you age, it’s normal for your body to go through changes. You might not be able to do the things you used to do. You might need more help from others. These changes can be hard to deal with. You might feel like you’re losing your independence. Some people get depressed when they start to feel this way.

Depression is a common problem in older adults. It’s important to know that depression is a real medical condition, not a normal part of aging. Depression can happen to anyone at any age, but it’s more common in older adults. If you’re feeling depressed, you must talk to your doctor or mental health professional. Some treatments can help you feel better. You don’t have to suffer from depression. Help is available.

Anxiety Disorders

Many people think of anxiety disorders as something that only affects young people. However, anxiety disorders are actually quite common in older adults. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), Anxiety disorders affect 3.8% of the older population. There are several reasons why anxiety disorders may be more common in older adults.

For one thing, older adults are more likely to experience stressful life events, such as the death of a spouse or the loss of a job. In addition, older adults are more likely to have chronic health conditions, which can contribute to anxiety. Finally, as people age, they may become less able to cope with stress and more prone to anxiety. If you are an older adult who is experiencing anxiety, it is important to know that you are not alone and that there are treatments available that can help.


It’s normal for your memory to start declining as you grow older. You may have more trouble recalling names or recent events. However, dementia is more than just normal aging. It’s a serious neurocognitive disorder that affects your ability to think, remember, and make judgments. Dementia can lead to problems with basic activities of daily living, such as eating and bathing. The cause of dementia is usually unknown, but it’s believed to be the result of damage to the brain cells.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, but there are other types. Dementia can devastate the person affected and their family and friends. If you think you or someone you love may be showing signs of dementia, it’s important to see a doctor for a diagnosis. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for dementia, but there are ways to manage the symptoms and help the person affected maintain their quality of life.

Parkinson’s Disease

The risk of developing Parkinson’s disease increases with age. While the cause of Parkinson’s is still unknown, a number of factors may contribute to the disease, including genetics and exposure to toxins.

Symptoms of Parkinson’s can include tremors, stiffness, and balance problems. The disease can also cause difficulty with speaking and thinking. If you are concerned about your risk of developing Parkinson’s or have a loved one who has it, remember that there are treatment centers for neurological disorders. Here, people with Parkinson’s can receive the care and support they need. Besides Parkinson’s, these centers can also treat Alzheimer’s, dementia, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and more. The treatments they give can help improve the quality of life for the person with Parkinson’s and their family and friends.


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Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects around 1% of the population. It is characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking. While it can develop at any age, the onset of schizophrenia is most common in late adolescence or early adulthood. However, schizophrenia can also occur in older adults. In fact, the risk of developing schizophrenia increases with age. This may be due to the accumulation of risk factors over time, or it may be due to the aging process itself.

Whatever the cause, schizophrenia can significantly impact an older person’s life. It can interfere with work, social interactions, and relationships. It can also lead to cognitive decline and memory problems. If you are an older adult with schizophrenia, seeking treatment as soon as possible is important. With proper care, you can manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

If you or someone you love is over the age of 65, it’s important to be aware of the increased risk of developing certain mental health disorders. While mental health disorders can affect anyone at any age, older adults are particularly vulnerable. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of a mental health disorder, it’s important to seek professional help.

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