Basic Signs and Symptoms of Periodontitis

girl using dental floss

Poor oral hygiene can cause plaque to build up on your teeth. It can result in gum inflammation that can progress even deeper. If you experience any swollen, red, or tender gums, there is a chance that you have gum disease. Although gum disease can be painless, leaving it untreated can result in other oral diseases such as periodontitis. It is a severe gum infection that affects the soft gum tissue and damages the bone that supports your teeth. Fortunately, periodontitis is preventable with proper oral hygiene and early detection. To help prevent it from happening, here are a few common symptoms:

Plaque Buildup

It all starts with a seemingly harmless plaque buildup. Until you notice an inflammation around your gums, it is known as gingivitis and is the early stage of gum disease. Its treatment options are often minimally invasive and reversible. A professional dental cleaning, followed up by proper oral hygiene, can help reverse its effects. However, if left untreated, it can take a turn for the worse.

Bone Burrowing

If you leave things untreated, your gum disease can progress into periodontitis, which is the more advanced form of gum disease. Like gingivitis, this condition is still treatable. However, your periodontist may need to use more invasive strategies to treat this disease. A few treatments applicable are scaling and deep cleaning of the surface of your dental roots. The dentist can remove the germs and plaque underneath your gumlines. Doing so helps remove all the bacteria that cause the infection.

Periodontitis does not only affect your gumlines; it also affects the gum tissue and can even result in bone loss along the infected area of the mouth. Once this occurs, your dentist will recommend that you see a periodontist. Seeing a periodontist will allow you to proceed with other forms of treatment.

Are Swollen Gums Okay for People with Braces?

girl having her braces checked

Soreness is normal after receiving new braces or after your regular adjustment. Remember that your teeth and jaw are trying to create a new smile as your teeth get repositioned. However, swollen gums can be irrelevant to the initial wear. Naturally, food that gets trapped in your gums can lead to plaque buildup, which can cause inflammation. That is why it is crucial that you practice oral care hygiene, especially if you have braces.

Speak to Your Orthodontist

To reduce the swelling, make sure that you practice proper brushing methods with your orthodontist in Winter Springs on your next visit. You should also buy the appropriate cleaning tools to help get rid of plaque and food debris between your teeth. Remember that braces can irritate your gums, causing them to swell. It is always best to speak to your orthodontist about your dental history to help them determine the best treatment for you.

It is always important to practice excellent oral hygiene every day. Doing so can help you combat any problems with your teeth in the future. It will also make your dental wear more comfortable at the same time.

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