Methods Healthcare Businesses Use to Conduct Research

A group of researchers in a lab

Whether it’s for a project, work, or personal interest, researching is a crucial part of being successful in any field, especially healthcare.  There are a variety of different methods healthcare businesses can use to conduct market research. The most important thing is to choose the method (or combination of methods) that will provide the most actionable information. Some common methods of market research include surveys, interviews, focus groups, observation, and secondary data analysis.


Surveys are perhaps the most common form of market research. They can be conducted online, by phone, or in person. They are relatively quick and easy to administer, and they can reach a large number of people in a short period. However, surveys have some limitations.

First, they rely on self-reported data, which may not always be accurate. Second, people may not be willing to answer sensitive questions truthfully. Finally, surveys only give you a snapshot of how people feel at a specific time; they don’t necessarily reflect how people will feel in the future.


Interviews are another popular form of market research. Like surveys, they can be conducted online, by phone, or in person. Unlike surveys, interviews allow you to ask follow-up questions and probe deeper into subjects. This can provide invaluable insights that might be missed with a survey.

However, interviews also have some drawbacks. First, they are more time-consuming than surveys. Second, they only provide information from a limited number of people (usually 10-20). Finally, like surveys, interviews only give you a snapshot of how people feel at a specific moment in time.

Focus groups

Focus groups are similar to interviews but with one key difference: instead of interviewing individuals, you interview a group of people simultaneously.

This has several benefits. First, it allows you to see how people interact with each other and how their opinions change when presented with different points of view. Second, it allows you to observe nonverbal communication (body language) cues that might be missed in an interview setting. Finally, focus groups usually produce more actionable results than individual interviews because they allow you to get multiple perspectives on the same issue.

However, focus groups also have some drawbacks. First, they take more time to organize than individual interviews or surveys ( usually 1-2 weeks). Second, they require more space and resources than individual interviews or surveys (you’ll need a room big enough to seat 8-10 people and refreshments).

Third, like other forms of qualitative research, focus groups only provide insights into how people feel at a specific moment in time. Finally, it can be hard to find participants for this. Thankfully, there are many market research recruiters available to help with that.

A focus group being interviewed for research


As the name suggests, observation involves observing people or events without interfering. This type of research is often used in naturalistic settings such as healthcare facilities. Researchers using this method must take care to avoid bias and must be clear about their objectives from the start. Otherwise, it can be easy to miss important data points

Secondary data analysis

Secondary data analysis is another common method of market research. It involves analyzing data that has already been collected by someone else. This data can come from government reports, trade associations, or industry journals.

Secondary data analysis has several advantages over primary research methods like surveys, interviews, and focus groups. First, it’s usually less expensive than primary research because you’re not paying to collect the data yourself. Second, it’s generally quicker because you don’t have to wait for data collection to be completed. Third, it allows you to study large amounts of data that would be impractical or impossible to collect.

However, secondary data also has some limitations. First, the data may not apply to the specific situation or location. Second, the data may not be current enough for the needs. Finally, the data may not have been collected using reliable methodologies.

All businesses need to do research to be successful but conducting research in the healthcare industry is especially important given the sensitive nature of the topic matter. If you’re reading this to learn about the ways in which healthcare businesses conduct research, you can use this knowledge to make more informed decisions when it comes to healthcare products or services.

Otherwise, if you’re reading this in hopes of conducting research for your own healthcare business, keep in mind that there are different research methods available, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Knowing when to use each type of research will help ensure that you get the most accurate and reliable results possible.

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