Dos and Don’ts of Skincare If You Have Acne


Managing acne can be frustrating, but what’s making it worse can be some of your unhealthy habits and poor skincare practices.

Learn to take care of your skin even during a flare-up by knowing these dos and dont’s:

1. Do Wash Your Face Twice a Day

Washing your face is one of the best ways to manage an acne flare-up. This is because the skin condition happens because of the trifecta of dust, dirt, and bacteria.

However, the frequency of washing matters. To avoid further irritating the skin, you might want to limit the cleansing two times. Anything more can strip the rest of the oils that work as your skin’s barrier, leaving your skin drier and, worse, now more prone to a skin infection.

2. Don’t Prick Your Pimples

When you see flaming zits, you may feel tempted to pop them and release the pus (gross, but it’s true). To be clear, there’s a right way of popping pimples.


A better decision, however, is not to touch them because the pricking can further irritate the skin and aggravate it. This will make your pimple turn into a bigger, more noticeable spot. You are also spreading bacteria to other parts of your face.

Instead, opt to use a pimple-fighting lotion or ointment when you feel like it’s starting to get worse. If they’re bothering you a lot, let a dermatologist do it.

3. Do Choose Your Skincare Products

Just because you have acne doesn’t mean you cannot use skincare products anymore. You can even wear makeup. However, because of your skin condition, you need to be more critical of your options.

First, the best makeup for acne is non-comedogenic. “Non-comedogenic” means it doesn’t have ingredients that can clog your pores. It is safe to use even if you have acne. Second, choose the ones without simple alcohols and fragrances because these are known irritants that can further aggravate your pimples.

Lastly, if you want to change your skincare products, perform a skin test first. Apply the new product on a thin area (such as your neck) and wait at least 48 hours before you start using it on your face.

4. Don’t Sleep with Makeup On

Sleeping without washing your face is just asking for a breakout to happen. That’s why you should not forget to wash your face even if you’re coming back very late at night. This means taking off all that makeup, too.

To remove your makeup properly, use a makeup remover. You can also use a gentle face wash instead, but make sure to work it gently on the skin.

5. Do Use Sunscreen

While having acne already damages your self-esteem, just imagine how much more you will suffer if it leaves behind dull and discolored spots!  And that’s why sunscreen is your best anti-acne weapon.

There are tons of sunscreens available in the market, but make sure to choose one with at least an SPF 30. Also, use it every single day because this is the only way you can protect your skin from harmful UV rays that could leave brown spots and other marks on your skin.

6. Don’t Spend Too Much Time in the Sun

Spending too much time under the skin worsens acne because exposure to UV light can trigger the overproduction of sebum in the skin.

This is also one reason tanning isn’t really a good idea even when you have acne. When your skin tans or darkens, it makes hyperpigmentation much more likely. This means your pimple marks and other skin discolorations could leave behind permanent brown spots.

To avoid skin damage, remember to wear a hat and sunglasses when you’re under the sun. Plus, avoid sporting short sleeves because this can expose your skin to more UV rays that could lead to dark spots and other signs of premature aging.

7. Do Manage Your Stress Level

Acne is a skin disorder that can arise from a variety of factors, one of these being stress. When your stress level is high, it can disrupt your hormone production.

To keep this hormonal skin issue manageable, take control of your stress levels by indulging in relaxing activities. Listen to your favorite music or go for a massage. Read a good book and learn some meditation tips. Whatever helps you relax, do it because this can help you reduce stress.

8. Don’t Forget to Sleep

Getting your beauty sleep is way more important than you think. Not sleeping well can cause your stress levels to go through the roof and make acne worse. It can also lead to a duller complexion and worse, saggy-looking skin in the long run!

While you’re at it, perform weekly face masks to help you relax more. You can also ask your dermatologist to recommend a good anti-acne mask that could help you manage acne breakouts.

Although acne is a pretty common skin condition, you still need to exercise caution when taking care of your skin. Whether it’s hormonal or not, the bottom line is that acne can be frustrating and difficult to deal with. That’s why practicing good skincare practices as early as now is crucial if you want to keep those breakouts away.

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