How to create a patient attraction system

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A good patient attraction system is necessary for all businesses if they are to succeed in this modern era. You need a strong patient attraction system to show patients that they need to address their dental needs with you rather than one of the other dental clinics in your area.

To create a strong patient attraction system, you need to build a strong online presence. The majority of the population searches for local businesses online on their mobile phones. Therefore, if you do not have a website for your dental practice or your information is not available online, then it will be very difficult for you to succeed in this era of digital technology. Even if a prospective patient knows of your dental practice, it is more than likely that they will look online to find out more or at least read what other people have to say about you.

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Google reviews and ratings

Google reviews and ratings are very important for a successful patient attraction system. Word-of-mouth referrals have been replaced with online reviews and testimonials. If you have a 5-star rating, then patients will feel encouraged to visit you, whereas a lower rating will lead to patients questioning your ability to deliver quality dental care and may push them to look elsewhere to address their dental needs. It is important that you ask your patients to leave a quick review each time they visit your practice, and if you are providing top-quality dental care and fantastic service each time, then you can rest assured that this will work in your favour.


Next, it is important that you build and maintain a high ranking on search engine results lists for dental-related searches that are carried out within your vicinity, and to do so, you will need search engine optimisation or SEO.

SEO is key to the success of any patient attraction system. Successful SEO means that whenever a patient is searching online to find out about dental issues, dental treatments and procedures or a new dental clinic in the area, your website will be one of the first websites that they come across so that they are not distracted by your competitors. The higher you are ranked on the Google search results list, the better trust and credibility you will build with prospective patients. Patients associate a good ranking on the search results list with a good dental clinic; therefore, by maintaining SEO techniques and strategies online, you will encourage patients to visit you and address their dental needs at your clinic.

There are different types of SEO that can work together to create a good patient attraction system. You need to focus on your website and make sure that it is user-friendly, interesting, professional and customised. Furthermore, you will need to focus on creating new blogs as well as a social media account to engage more effectively with your current and prospective patients. Speak to a digital dental marketing team to find out more about SEO and attracting patients.

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